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To donate from a foundation by check here is the information that you need: 


PAX Peace by Peace Fund 

c/o Nevada Community Foundation

attn: Tina Rivera

1980 Festival Plaza Drive, Ste. 300, Las Vegas, NV 89135


NCF’s 501c3 EIN# is 88-0241420


Contact person:

Tina Rivera

Foundation and Donor Services Associate

phone: 702-892-2326

fax:  702-892-8580

mobile: 702-539-1339

w: | e:



Instagram and Facebook at @peacebypax

Or check made out to:


PAX Peace by Peace Fund 

c/o Nevada Community Foundation

attn: Tina Rivera

1980 Festival Plaza Drive, Ste. 300, Las Vegas, NV 89135


All donations are 100% tax deductible. 501c3 EIN# is 88-0241420



Here is what your help can do:

establish the Hand by Hand Heritage Micro-Venture Fund which will invest in local businesses related to cultural heritage and tourism promotion.

complete the Umm el-Jimal museum exhibits to teach: History of Umm el-Jimal, Archaeology, Water, Architecture, Religion, and Stories of the contemporary people of Umm el-Jimal.

light the Umm el Jimal Park where children play at the entrance to the archaeological site, OR convert the Umm el-Jimal visitor center to Solar Energy.

outfit the Umm el-Jimal visitor center kitchen, to provide refreshments for visitors made by local women.

provide the Umm el-Jimal Gift Shop with locally-produced inventory to support the visitor center.

open an Umm el-Jimal bicycle rental shop and create bicycle trail maps for tourists.

publish Anzeh al-Azeeza Explores Umm al-Jimal, the Black Basalt City, the fifth book in a popular children’s series in Jordan for which the author donated her work. The book will be distributed to local schools and donated to the Umm el-Jimal visitor center gift shop.

pay for the first large order from Umm el-Jimal’s Women’s Rock Art Crafts of beautifully packaged soap dishes to be distributed to tour companies to promote Umm el-Jimal as a destination.

supply materials for interactive children’s experiences in archaeology, art and architecture, like designing a mosaic, or building an arch from stone block models of the ruins at Umm el-Jimal.

commission a local stonecutter to hand-cut the Umm el-Jimal Café tabletops from basalt stone from the region.

build the Umm el-Jimal school garden at the school attended by both Jordanian and Syrian refugee

children. The children will participate in planting and irrigation for the garden with water from ancient reservoirs.

pay for the Inscription Garden to display over 100 stone inscriptions, the most archaeologically valuable artifact, telling the ancient story of Umm el-Jimal.

create the “Dig UJ!” children’s excavation area 

at the Umm el-Jimal visitor center.

provide handmade basalt stone UJ Museum Blocks to teach children about the architecture of Umm el-Jimal.

commission the Umm el-Jimal visitor center bathroom sink, designed and hand-crafted by the Women’s Rock Art Cooperative.

represents five days of work whether guiding children’s field trips, site maintenance, excavation assistance or any other of the JOBS created by all of the above.

Where Money Goes

2016 PAX Peace by Peace Fund

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