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Peace by Peace

Supporting Host Communities who Supported Refugees

Pax Peace by Peace is a nonprofit organization working hand in hand with the local community in Umm al-Jimal, Jordan, as well as the Syrian refugees, who have settled among them, to alleviate poverty, increase employment, and preserve culture heritage.

Supporting host communities who support refugees

Creating the context for economic opportunity

Working together towards a more peaceful world

The Challenge

in the Village of Umm al-Jimal


of households live below the poverty line, earning less than $1.90 per day


population increase 

due to the Syrian Civil War, increasing strain on natural resources

50% unemployment


(as compared to 3.6% in the United States)

What We Do 

Economic Development and Education

What We Do

Economic Development

Pax's goal is to lift the entire community up, and that starts with micro-funding locally run businesses who have found a gap needing capital and guidance to implement a solution.

Pax currently guides HandbyHand Heritage, the first tourism company in UJ who works with families to operate homestays, community members who run the museum kitchen and gift shop. 


Pax hopes to fund more businesses like local bike shops. 

Interpretive Center 

This newly created museum and gathering center opened on June 15th, 2019! It welcomes both local community members and travelers to visit the ancient site, providing a hub of amenities. 

The Interpretive and Hospitality Center has three goals:

1.Basic services for visitors.

2.A gathering place for all.

3. A cultural heritage connection.

Each of these goals will support economic activity for Umm al-Jimal, protection of the spectacular archaeological site, cultural understanding and PEACE. 

Education + Site Awareness

The Jordanian children go to school at 7 a.m., Syrian children at 2 p.m. They are ready to go at 12 p.m. because they all want to play together – the Syrian children are so excited to go to school that they get ready early, they want to thrive, they want to survive, and build their future.

PAX engages with the Jordanian and Syrian children in the community with interactive activities on the site to create a connection through shared cultural heritage.

The children think they are just having fun, but they fall in love with the ancient site. The goal is comprehensive interactive programs for school visits and for tourists, both children and adults. 

Our help is PEACE

There is something you can do!


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